Pixelmator Team の Mac OS X 専用画像処理ソフトの Pixelmator がアップデートし Pixelmator 2.1.1 となりました。Pixelmator 2.1.1 は Retina ディスプレイの UI の修正などを行なっているそうです。

Pixelmator 2.1.1 (Released on September 18, 2012) View in Mac App Store
New Features
• The all-new Healing Tool brings major performance and quality improvements
• Improved performance for saving images
• Improved Undo and Redo performance
• Improved Quick Look performance
• Adds the ability to temporarily disable Alignment Guides with the Command key
• User interface improvements for the Retina display
• False Color, Mask to Alpha, and Circular Wrap effects added
Other Issues
• Resolves a problem that caused the application to stop responding in various situations
• Resolves a situation where Pixelmator stopped responding after exiting Full Screen
• Resolves an issue where the application stopped responding when a file stored in iCloud was used on more than one computer at the same time
• Resolves a problem that caused an incorrect preview of exported PSD files
• Addresses a situation where imported documents did not keep their original file title intact
• Resolves an issue that prevented the Generator group effects from filling a selection
• Resolves an issue where the Black and White effect did not apply the Grain setting correctly
• Resolves a situation where the iCloud dialog opened together with unnecessary application elements
• Addresses an issue that caused a new document window to go inactive
• Resolves an issue that caused palettes to disappear
• Resolves an issue that caused problems with Spotlight and OS X Mountain Lion
• Addresses an issue where the Clone Stamp Tool did not perform correctly on the Retina display
• Resolves an issue that caused the Type Tool insertion point to disappear
• Addresses an issue that caused an incorrect thumbnail preview in the Effects Browser
• Addresses an issue where the pointer on the Retina display appeared incorrectly when an effect’s thumbnail was dragged from the Effects Browser to the canvas
• Addresses an issue that caused the effects rope pointer to center incorrectly
• Addresses an issue that caused incorrect action tooltips to appear when undoing certain effects
• Resolves an issue that caused flickering for the “Add Text” tooltip on the Retina display
• Resolves an issue that caused transparent lines to appear within images on the Retina display